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the new guy

Started by Kevz, March 17, 2010, 12:35:30 PM

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hey guy, i'm a student living in auckland  8) looking for a cheap-ish run around, something pre 1992 been looking for a mk2 or e30 but i havn't seen any i like yet, so anyone know of any 205 gti's lying around?? ;D


Hiya welcome along!  How'd you hear about us?  Sounds like you have your priorities straight!  How much are you looking at spending?
It's a workup


thanks mate, google ;) i was looking up 205's in nz, yeah my first car was a golf 2  :'( best car i have ever owned and i hate almost all that jap crap, havn't set a budget any advise budd?


Hey man

Haven't seen any decent 205's for sale in a while, they come in waves almost, none for ages then about 470230879 in a week!
You could also consider a 106 or 306 xsi, Citroen AX or ZX... In fact there's an AX GTi on trademe at the moment

Welcome to the site 8)
Take it to Bishops


thanks budd, yeah i noticed that with a lot of euro's. what do you guys think of http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/Cars/Peugeot/205/auction-276348253.htm


Don't look that good :(

Also it's not a GTI, probably an XS or GT with a different boot. Anyway has no WOF or reg and a smokey motor. Bide your time man something will pop up :D
Take it to Bishops


cool thanks for the advice what sort of price should i budget for a good one mate?


cool thanks for the advice what sort of price should i budget for a good one mate?


This looks pretty mint but $4700 for an AX is ridiculous.
I paid $3800 for my 205 gti a couple of years ago. You should expect to pay 3-4.5k for a sorted one and weigh up the problems with the savings for cheaper ones.
Take it to Bishops


na that doesn't do it for me, i still have about a month and a half left so im not in that much of a hurry...